Christmas is on it’s way – time for Christmas knitting!
I apologise for those of you that feel this is too early to be thinking about the ‘C word’ but with the challenges and stresses of 2020, time has flown by and it’s now exactly 1 month to go. I’m trying to be a little more organised and get these Christmas tree knitting patterns on the website in plenty of time for people to have a go at. With our current second lockdown, it’s fantastic to hear many more people have picked up their knitting needles and with all our usual activities being put on hold (including the kiddies clubs to-ing and fro-ing, woohoo!), we may all be having a little more time to get knitting. Taking from only 1 hour 30minutes to about 2 hours 40 minutes each, there’s ample time to get a few done to help decorate the tree or give as a nice surprise to your family or friends.
Tinsel & Baubles
Christmas tree designs are definitely individual, both with colour and style, from the minimalistic to the every-colour, things randomly-thrown-at scattered designs created by our children. The simple knitted Christmas tree pattern is effectively a blank canvas to do whatever style you fancy. As well as doing two different sizes of tree, I’ve tried to show examples of possible different themes, such as the traditional red and gold, to the bluey theme and a pinky theme. There is also the option of leaving it plain, depending on your background colour. I actually found a lovely white yarn with some sparkles and some small silver foil circles, which I think would look great just made up on it’s own – an even quicker version!
Pattern Creation…
This tree was yet another development over time. I did a larger knitted tree at 14 cm x 18 cm but then thought the chances are that people wouldn’t really want one that big and as it took much longer to make, it also defeated the point of the short and sweet fitting in knitting idea. The final smaller design also better suited the purpose I wanted it for (knitted Christmas hairband to add a bit of cheer at work.) I then created the medium-size version which I thought was more appropriate as a hanging decoration. The first attempt I made also started from the bottom of the tree and worked upwards, with the thought that it’s much easier to decrease stitches by knitting two stitches together, rather than doing an increase into the stitches. However, I reversed this original pattern, settling for this final design from the top to the bottom, as it left neater edges and resulted in a better shape.
Christmas Collection
Last year I made a few other knitted Christmas bits and bobs, and this knitted Christmas tree (for now!) completes that collection. So from the 1st December my two girls (and my boy at this rate with his overgrown lockdown mop) is going to have their hair decorated daily with all sorts of characters. Let the fun begin!!!
Contact me to get any new or updated patterns straight to you. Or keep an eye out on the updates section of this website to see the newest creations. Fitting In Knitting is also on Facebook, twitter and Instagram for some sneaky previews of projects as they evolve….
Happy knitting!
Ali 🙂
How to Knit a Little Christmas Tree
Total time 1 Hour 30 Minutes Each Little Knitted Tree
Made from two knitted main pieces, and one finger-knitted length to make up the tinsel. All pieces are sewn together and stuffed, with added stitching for the star and baubles.
How to Knit a Medium Christmas Tree
Total time 2 Hours 40 Minutes Each Medium Knitted Tree
Made from two knitted main pieces, two small knitted tree trunk pieces and one finger-knitted length to make up the tinsel. All pieces are sewn together and stuffed, with added stitching for the stars and baubles.
Handmade Gift Ideas!
Get some more ideas, see what you will need and follow the patterns to learn exactly how you can make your own… More Knitted Gift Ideas!
I aim to have a new pattern up on the website every few weeks (children and their busy schedules permitting!) and I’ll let you know as soon as the next one is up and ready to go…